New Release​

With MAGIK and witchcraft, this is a great book for the upcoming Halloween season!

A Circle of Two:
Book of Newport

In this fast-paced adventure April joins her friend Sandy in accepting a MagiKal inheritance to fight Evil on sea-swept Aquidneck Island. Using Laws of Magik, taught by their aunts Penny and Melissa, they must save their friend Mandy from Courtney and the Seeds of Evil. Unfortunately, Evil holds the key. (2nd Edition)

A Word From The Author

With this first novel, I wanted to build a world of Magik that is barely hidden, populated by characters that learn to support each other in modern-day Newport, RI. They find that Magik is more than genetics and is governed by Melton’s Three Laws of Magikal Motions. These laws extract a price for every good or evil spell or incantation. Played out against the picturesque background of Newport and Middletown, Rhode Island, the girls have to deal with high school, a mean girl with dormant Magikal powers that erupt in very dangerous ways. A school dance, a Magikal storm that mixes with a real storm and other challenges mix against the backdrop of a typical modern New England seaside city.

A. Valentine Smith


Complete Series​

A Circle of Three:
Book of Newport​

Coming Soon

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